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Enhance Your
Living Space
with Louvolite's Pollergen® Treated Window Blinds

As summer arrives, so too does the dreaded allergy season. Pollen is one of the most common airborne allergens and can make life miserable for those with allergies or hayfever. But what if you could reduce the amount of pollen that enters your home without sacrificing style or functionality? Enter Louvolite's Pollergen® treated window blind fabric, a groundbreaking material that helps reduce the presence of pollen in your indoor environment. In this blog post, we will dive into the benefits of Pollergen and how it can enhance both your home's aesthetics and your overall well-being.


According to the NHS, that's how many of us are reported to be suffering from hay fever - and not just for a couple of weeks, but for two thirds of the year! Pollergen® Treated window blinds can help to alleviate symptoms within the home when you need it most...

What is Pollergen®?

Louvolite's Pollergen® treated fabric is a unique material that has been specifically designed to help reduce the amount of pollen that enters your home. This innovative fabric is Allergy UK approved, ensuring its effectiveness in creating a more comfortable living space for those with allergies or hayfever. By choosing Pollergen® fabrics for your home, you can enjoy both style and functionality while also minimising the presence of allergens in your indoor environment.

So, How Does Pollergen® Work?

Hay fever sufferers can benefit from our anti-allergen fabric treatment, Pollergen®, which acts as a barrier against pollen entering the room as the active ingredient in the window blind fabric captures and then neutralises the pollen.

Pollergen® has the all-important approval from Allergy UK as the active formulation continuously migrates to the surface of the fabric for on-going protection, even after the fabric has been washed (vertical louvres only) or wiped clean.

Backed by Allergy UK's

Seal of Approval

When faced with a choice between a Pollergen® treated blind and a non-pollergen treated blind, we believe the added benefits of a Pollergen® treated fabric will be the first choice, every time!

How Pollergen® fabrics can improve your health

Allergies and hayfever can make life miserable for those who suffer from them. Pollen is a common allergen that can trigger symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, and nasal congestion. By incorporating Pollergen® window blinds into your home, you can help to reduce the amount of pollen that enters your indoor environment, minimising the presence of allergens that can cause these symptoms. This can lead to a more comfortable living space and a better quality of life for allergy sufferers.

Pollergen® and beyond

The benefits go far beyond just reducing allergens in your home. These blinds also provide excellent light control and privacy, giving you complete control over the amount of natural light that enters your living space. Additionally, Pollergen® treated fabrics, such as Louvolite's Carnival and Carnival blackout ranges, can help to regulate the temperature in your home, reducing the amount of heat that escapes in the winter and blocking out the sun's heat in the summer. This can help to lower your energy bills and create a more comfortable living environment.

Pictured: Vertical Carnival Cream


Taking action! Here's some tips for Sufferers...

We've collected some key tips from Allergy UK and Breathing Matters for some extra essential steps.


An immediate shower can work wonders! Wash
your hair and change your clothing after arriving home on high pollen days.


Pollen from the outside can often stick to their coats and transfer around the home.


Make a habit of checking the daily pollen count with the Met Office (metoffice.gov.uk) weather map which forecasts the UK pollen count so you can be prepared.


If you can help it, keep windows closed to create a firm barrier.

☆ TOP TIP: Pollen count is higher at night! Try to keep your windows closed during the evening.


Vaseline or balm around the edge of each nostril can trap or block pollergens to help prevent an initial reaction.


Especially on high pollen days. If you must, shake them before bringing them indoors.


Or, fit a pollen filter to reduce the impact of pollen spores and ensure the air conditioning is set to recirculate the air inside.

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